At the Center for Spine and Orthopedics, our dedicated staff consistently goes above and beyond to provide patients with the best care that we can provide. Recently, Dr. Janssen received an email from a grateful patient who sheds light on the transformative impact of his top-tier professional care.

32 years ago Dr. Michael Janssen provided care to a patient who was in an accident and would likely have life-altering injuries, however, she saw Dr. Janssen for surgery. Providing his unwavering dedication and expertise have not only alleviated physical burdens but have also provided a fresh perspective on life for this particular individual. We take pride in the positive transformations our patients experience under our guidance and remain committed to delivering excellence in spinal and orthopedic care. This heartfelt testimony is a touching reminder of the meaningful impact we strive to make on the lives of those we serve.

The appreciative patient had warm words for both Dr. Janssen and Dr. Levine.

Fortunately, you [Dr. Michael Janssen] and Dr. Monroe Levine were on call at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta and you performed a miracle surgery on my leg. On one follow-up visit, Dr. Monroe Levine was so impressed with my recovery that he called several doctors in to watch me walk down the hall. I still had a limp at that time, but he was obviously very proud of your work, too! Eventually, I eliminated the limp unless I had walked, exercised, or worked extensively and was quite tired. For the next 32 years, I enjoyed doing everything I would normally have done without any pain.

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