Often Effective After Only ONE Injection

Platelet injections therapy is now used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal injuries. The process involves separating your body’s own natural healing cells, the platelets, from a sample of your blood via centrifugation, and then combining the increased concentration of platelets with the remaining blood and injecting them back into the body at the injury site. This induces a naturally occurring healing response.
Platelets are kind of like a group of construction workers. When a tear or cut in tissue occurs, the platelets work to create a scaffold, bringing those tissues back together and creating collagen and scar tissue to heal the torn and damaged tissue. Additionally, they release a variety of growth factors and anti-inflammatory cytokines to help induce this healing response and fix the painful problem.
Unlike traditional anti-inflammatory medications, which merely mask the symptoms, platelet injections offers the opportunity for real healing to occur and problems to be fixed.
Our specialists recommend platelet injections as an option when discussing nearly any musculoskeletal pain complaint with their patients, particularly when traditional treatment options have failed or are otherwise not indicated.