Michael E. Janssen, DO
Board Certified Spine Surgeon
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Board Certified Spine Surgeon
CSO founder Dr. Michael Janssen was among the first surgeons in the nation to perform total disc replacement (TDR). He participated in initial clinical studies and has been performing TDRs since 2006 when the FDA approved the ProDisc. Since then, Dr. Janssen has performed more than 1,000 complex TDR surgeries and trained more than 150 surgeons worldwide to perform the procedure. In November 2015, Dr. Janssen published an article on the long term results of TDR surgery in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.
Board Certification
American Board of Orthopedic Surgeons
American Board of Spine Surgeons
Level II Division of Workers’ Compensation
AO ASIF Fellowship, Klinik for Orthopaedic Chirurgie
Kantonsspital, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Lakewood Orthopedic Clinic, Lakewood, CO
Residency – Orthopedic Surgery
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA
Internship – General Surgery-Trauma
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA
Osteopathic Medicine Degree
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
University of Health Sciences
Kansas City, MO